Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 2015 Apocabox Unwrapped

Stacey Harris Cookbook
The recipes in this cookbook are basic enough that most anyone could master them and they use garden herbs and veggies or wild caught game.  The thing that I love about this so much is that it is FULL of yummy photos of the finished dishes.  She has also signed the book.

Not if but when patch
My favorite patch so far - by a long shot!  :)

Paracord Sling
This paracord sling has two metal swivel mount connections on each end.

The paracord sling can have a number of uses it uses a whopping 65 feet of 280 lb paracord.  It would be great for a rifle!  Creek would like you to post how you use yours on instagram using #Apocabox.

Brushfire Craft Kit
This months kit comes with a round leather looking pouch that has tie strips that bind it up. It is not real leather.  It's actually a faux leather which is preferable because it repels moisture in the field. 

Inside there are two rolls of what looks like a waxed dental floss had a baby with some hay.  This is actually called Wood Wool.  It's wood shavings covered in paraffin wax.  Save this to use when you can't find good tinder or when it's really wet.  It's an all weather tinder.

You will also find cotton tinder tabs.  They look like tiny tampons and are in a plastic bag, which also help protect from the elements. each one burns for several minutes and will ignite easily with just a spark.

There are also a couple of ferro rod toggles. They have holes through them so you can tie them into creative places as backups.  

Bug out Coffee Bar - 
Call Me Basic.  Call Me a Dumb Hipster.  But this is My FAVORITE thing in this Box!  I <3 <3 <3 my coffee.  And I NEED caffeine on the daily. This little bar packs a PUNCH.  Each bar is the equivalent of one cup of joe.  If you're like me and you need caffeine to function, You may want to pick you up some of these for your bug out bag in addition to your instant coffee. 

Adhesive wound closures
These are an important part of every first aid kit.  Sometimes a deeper cut needs a little extra help to stay closed, but in a bug out situation you may not always have the time - or supplies - for stitching. So wound closures can sometimes be a good bet.

Figure 4 Deadfall Trap Kit
Once again, the instructions are pretty crudely drawn. I really don't like that about these kits.  The handwriting does appear to be easy enough to read, though, so I guess that's at least one positive thing about it. 

This is the hand made item in this month's box and comes with everything that you need to make a deadfall trap.  

Deadfall Trap Bandanna

I haven't had the opportunity to make the deadfall trap, but when I do I will keep you updated on whether or not I was able to understand the instructions well enough to create it.

Until Next Time...

Happy Prepping.

August 2015 Apocabox Unwrapped

I apologize that August's review is getting out so late.  I had an issue with my laptop and had to get it replaced.  I've been quite busy lately.  

The first item in the Apocabox this month is the Ishwash Personal Eyewash.  It is small enough to easily fit in any bug out bag or first aid kit and attaches to any standard water bottle.  Flushing your eyes in case of an emergency can mean the difference between irritated eyes for a few hours and permanent loss of vision!  This is a great addition to this month's kit!

Ursa Major Face Wipes - Hygiene is incredibly important in a bugging out situation.  It's so easy to take hygiene for granted.  Use one wipe for your face, neck, armpits, and feet (in that order).  The other should be used where the sun doesn't shine... as my grandma would say  :)  front to back.

My hubby has already commandeered it for his Deadpool costume.  It is currently on Deadpool's tactical gear. :)

Day Zero BowMaker's Guide-
The instructions are kind of crudely drawn and there are a lot better instructions available on the internet if you are interested in bowmaking.  However, in a pinch, it's better than having nothing at all.  It also came in a plastic pouch - which makes it a bit weatherproof. 

We all know the many uses of 550 paracord.  This simple pack leash is designed to clip on something you need to easily find on your pack, but it's length makes it ideal to be used for other things.

John Russell Sheath Knife:
This is a High Carbon Steel Knife so you'll need to oil it every so often, especially after you use it. The knife doesn't have a sheath.  The reason is because the skills challenge this month is to make your own knife sheath with improvised materials. 

End of Days Survival Card
Love this!  This is incredibly lightweight! There are so many tools Backed into this little card it's unbelievable! 
It's got an Awl, Arrowheads for small AND Larger Game, Sewing Needles, Small Saw, Large Saw, snare locks, tridents, tweezers, and you guys are creative, I'm sure you can see something else in there! 

Glow in the Dark Paracord-
The biggest benefit of having glow in the dark paracord is that you can actually use it to guide you in the dark.  You can use it as a path to guide you to the restroom area at night, or guide you around a tent at night.  A sprained ankle when you are bugging out can slow down or even stop the entire group while you are healing.  A glow in the dark leash on a flashlight could help you find the flashlight you need in the dark.  Or a glow in the dark leash on your pack if you need to grab and go under the cover of darkness.  The applications are limitless. 

Also, I bet they make pretty cool bracelets and necklaces. 

Speedy Stitcher Sewing Awl

It's really important that you be able to repair your backpack, tent, pants, whatever you need to when you're bugging out.  And a sewing machine is more than a little bit impractical. 

I have personally tried those handheld battery operated As seen on TV sewing machines, THEY DON'T WORK worth a FLIP!

Enter, the speedy stitcher.  It's a hand tool, yes, but it doesn't require batteries and it's versatile enough to work with even the toughest of fabrics. 

The makers of the product have been good enough to put together a tutorial page for us HERE so we can learn more about it.  It really looks like an easy product to use.  I will keep you guys updated when I get a chance to do it myself. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

June 2015 Apocabox Unwrapped

The shredded wood packing is now being replaced with shredded paper.  It won't effect anything in your Apocabox, just the packing materials

Creek also included a scavenger hunt in this month's Apocabox. 

The skills challenge this month involves using rubbish and water to harness the sun's rays to start a fire.

 The first item in the Apocabox this month is flavored Crick-ettes.  Everyone knows that when it comes to protein insects pack a critical punch that can mean the difference between life and death in a survival situation.  But a little flavor can mean the difference between a bland insect ration and a tasty crunchy protein snack.  This delicious salt-n-vinegar variety is sure to please and because it's dried and shelf stable it makes a nice addition to a bug out bag.

The berry finder is a 58 page illustrated guide to Native plants with fleshy fruits in Eastern North America.

The pages include detailed information including whether the plant is poisonous, suspected to be dangerous, information about the shapes of the leaves, stems, and berries.

To help assist you with finding berries there is a ruler on the back side of the book that measures in millimeters, centimeters, and inches. 

This month's box included something I've been waiting a while for - water purification drops!  It is suitable for use on rainwater and all freshwater sources.  According to the website in laboratory testing it removed:

4 types of bacteria in an antibacterial test.
approximately 99-99.85% of bacteria in a microbiological test.
97.1% reduced Cryptosporidium
reduced chlorine concentration below detection limit
reduced chloramine concentration below detection limit
reduced arsenic below detection limit
reduced lead below detection limit
reduced mercury below detection limit
reduce between 76.7-99.9% of tested chemical, agricultural, and pharmaceutical contaminants
reduced volatile organic compounds below detection limit
converted hexavalent chromium 6 to (nutritionally beneficial) trivalent chromium 3
reduced Microcystin LR (blue green algae) below the detection limit

I think the thing that's unique about this product is that it's an all-natural form of mineral salts that comes from volcanic formations.  

The directions are simple.  Add 15 drops per 1 liter of water, wait a few minutes for the product to take effect, enjoy.

I have taste tested this product for you in my regular water.  It did not change the taste for me a single bit.  There was no off flavor or aftertaste at all. I would recommend it for LIGHT purification jobs, but probably nothing heavy duty.  For heavy duty stuff I would stick with the iodine or the chlorine dioxide tablets.

Nearly every Apocabox has some sort of scarf or bandanna.  This time it has a native american looking bandanna called "rewild" and it was made right here in the USA in my home state of South Carolina!

For those of you who don't know me and my husband personally he is a knife connoisseur.  Okay maybe knife FANATIC would be a better word.  He loves blades like Thoreau loved the written word.  He hardly let me get a picture of the next item before he snatched it up to give it a try.  The Speedy Sharp came highly recommended by Creek and he keeps it in his EDC! 

Personally I belive anything Creek keeps in his EDC is something I need to check out! :)

Zach tried the speedy sharp and couldn't say enough about it.  I have not seen it since and Zach has ordered some more of them.  So I know that if Zach is that impressed with them, they are BOSS! 

There was a second sharpening tool included in this month's box also.  The Arkansas Stone is a more traditional whetstone with two grooves carved into either side.  It comes with a leather carrying pouch and while it's not nearly the sharpening tool the speedy sharp is, it is just lovely.

The patch this month is a Keep Calm and Survive Patch.  Instead of being iron on, it's velcro.

This month's box included the Wallet Ninja.  I've been seeing these wallet sized many in one tool kits and I was impressed with the wallet ninja.  The wallet ninja has 18 tools in 1:

1. #2 Hex Tool
2. #4 Hex Tool
3. #6 Hex Tool
4. #8 Hex Tool
5. #10 Hex Tool
6. #12 Hex Tool
7. Phillips Screwdriver
8. Flat Head Screwdriver
9. Eye Glass Repair Screwdriver
10 Bottle Opener
11. Letter Opener
12. Nail Puller
13. Box Cutter
14. Inch Ruler
15. Centimeter Ruler
16. Cell Phone Stand
17. Peeler
18. Can Opener

Without any modifications it's TSA approved for carry on during flight!  Creek made modifications to one side of his to make a crude blade, I'm not sure if that's TSA Approved. :) 

It is very VERY strong steel and while I think the word might rub away over time, I think this is a product that will last.  

No one make fun of my horrendously old wallet.  It has character and I refuse to upgrade. :)

It fits nicely in my wallet pocket and that is where it is going to stay until I need it next. 

I do not own a bow so I wasn't able to test this for you.  However the video for the instant bowstring here looks awesome!  I almost want to run out and buy a bow just so I can use it.  

The last item in the box was an Scandinavian Kuska.  It is so beautiful and smooth and light and feels amazing in my hands.  Feels like a good mead drinking cup. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Container Gardening Together - Week 10

Greetings!  And Happy national Naked Gardening Day to you!  No Seriously. It's a thing. I would do it, but I had a weird audience today. 

When they stare it makes me feel self conscious about my body and then I second guess everything. White is black, potatoes are beets.  It's just not pretty.  So, I skipped the nudity and went for a more practical approach today.  A tutorial.  One on doing a potato tower!  Also, there's an update on the container garden below if you're interested in that. 

My beets started shooting up tremendously this week!  :) just growing all over the place!

Bell pepper 

My Black Eyed Peas.  Yes, There is still one creepy large one. 

My blue lake beans are getting little bud like things on them. :D

My cabbages are starting to explode with growth as well.

Cayenne Red Pepper

My wee little celery buds.  are growing.

My many cucumber plants

Both of my eggplant plants.

The fennel is trucking along just fine.

My goji

So, I'm pretty certain I have picked out a pretty good place to start the grapevine.  When I put the grapevine in the ground it's pretty much going to be a long term commitment so I want to be sure.  And I'm not one for commitment - just ask my hubby.  HA! 

But it needs to be soon  That grapevine is really starting to burst up there. 

Here you can see all of the greens.  The buttercrunch lettuce is on the far left the georgia collards in the middle and the spinach on the right. 

Isn't the lettuce just gorgeous. 

On the top tier you can see my rosemary (furthest away) The corsican mint (left) and the oregano (right) you can see my cilantro on the middle tier and you can see my basil on the bottom left and my sage on the bottom right. 

On the top tier you can see nearest the front my oregano on the back left you can see my corsican mint and the back right you can see my rosemary. on the middle tier to the left you can see the cilantro and on the right you can see creeping thyme on the bottom tier you can see sage.

On the top tier nearest the front right you can see rosemary, front left you can see corsican mint. middle rear is oregano.  On the middle tier you can see my garlic chives, on the bottom tier on the left side you can see parsley, and on the right side you can see basil.
This isn't edibles, but it's yellow and purple Iris. 


My Kidney Beans Have some little buds of some kind growing on them, too!

Lavender is my absolute favorite herb!  :D  So Excited it's finally coming in!  Lavender, Mint, Lemon Balm, Rose! Now I need to Grow some Loofahs!

The Lemon Balm is coming along well, also.

Lima Beans

Lincoln Green Peas

Marion Tomato

More Marion Tomato



My pinto beans also have those Bud things.  :) 

My Radishes Are not ready to be harvested yet.  But this one is...thanks to the neighborhood dog-the-size-of-a-horse

Roma Tomatoes.  Wow.  What a difference From The droopy seedling that I brought home that first Day.  

This is a Rose Bush.  And I probably should have gotten a bit closer, but if you look close you can see my mint growing in the back there. 

Rutgers Tomato

More Rutgers Tomato

Sage.  I find it does So well when it's in partial shade.  

Snow Peas.

The Strawberry patch is actually looking perked up a bit.  It's been a bit droopy. 

This is Sugar Baby Watermelon.  I had three of them.  One already Died.  It just withered away like I never watered it, even though I did everything I could to keep the damned thing wet.  Those blasted things.  I probably won't grow them again.  There a pain in my ass is what they are.  but anyway, I'll keep you posted. 

This is the first tote of yellow squash. 

This is my second tote of yellow squash.