Sunday, February 15, 2015

Make a cooking spice kit for your Bug Out Bag!

In case you hadn't already noticed I LOVE TO COOK!

My family has said that I can make anything taste good.  I really have my Grammy to thank for that.  With a lot of know how, a fair amount of practice, and a small amount of spices everyone can.

In my family's bug out bags each of us has some hunting, trapping, and fishing equipment. I feel like this is an important measure in case our 72 hours turns into 72 days!   Now even though I am confident that my family could survive in the wild, no one wants to eat bland fish!  That's why I decided to put a spice kit in everyone's bag. 

I attempted several approaches to this problem, but the one that worked best utilized GIANT straws!

You see, in Taiwan they make this really interesting tea called bubble tea (boba milk tea) that has fruit balls and/or tapioca in it.  In order to suck up the "extra goodies" they need HUGE straws.  

I got my straws from here.  One straw made 4 small pouches, or 3 large ones (salt).  There are 100 straws and I didn't use hardly any of them, even with a family of SIX.

How did I get turn straws into waterproof culinary accessory capsules?  Here's what you'll need:

GIANT sized straws (Bubble Tea Straws)
1 Lighter
1 pair of needle nosed pliers
1 non toxic glue stick
1 tiny funnel (or you could make one with a piece of tape and a piece of paper)
Printer (optional, as you could write on the paper...but I find it easier to print)
Paper for labeling
Altoids containers (one for each family member)
herbs (Whatever Kind you want)

I included
1 Bullion Cube
bay seasoning
garlic powder
lemon (crystallized)
lemon pepper
onion powder
Zach's Blend (a special blend my hubby makes)

The altoids tin can hold around 16 -18 small pouches o8-9 large ones.  Mine has 14 small and 1 large.  :)

1.  Start by clipping your straws.  to the approximate size you want.  Use the Altoids tin as a size reference. 

2.  Next pinch the end of the straws with your needle nosed pliers, leaving a very small area exposed on the edge.  Burn it with you lighter and once it's all melty, crimp it.  Allow it to dry.  It dries quickly.

3. Print your spice names, double spaced on plain paper and cut them out.

4. Use the non toxic glue on the printed side of the label, and stick it on the inside of the tube.  Squeeze the tube flat to ensure it is fully adhered.  

5. Use a small funnel to fill the tube, leaving some headspace.

6.  Crimp the end down with your needle nosed pliers and seal with a lighter

7.  Once you're done with all the packets, toss them in the tin.

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