This Months apocabox was sort of hunting/fishing themed, which is nice because that's something the bug out bags are sorely lacking in.
My philosophy on survival is that there's more than one way to do everything and no one can be perfect at all things. Let's say you're talking about foraging for food. Pick the top 10 ways you think that you might have to survive.
- Trapping/Snaring Small Game
- hunting Small/Medium Game with a slingshot
- hunting large game with a firearm
- hunting large game with a bow
- hunting medium to large game with a spear
- foraging for natural edibles (nuts, berries, veggies, fruits, etc)
- fishing with a line and pole
- fishing with a net
- fishing in a funnel trap or snare trap
- stealthily looking for packaged/stored food (urban friendly)
Of those 10, you should be absolutely perfect as you can be in at least two areas. You should be highly familiar in two more, have experience with 4 others at least know of the last two.
This months kit gives you the tools you need to do #7, #9, #2, and (because the yoyo fish reel can double and be used with a rope as a very good snare) #1. So you could essentially master two and be highly familiar in two more.
So let's get to it, shall we?!?!

Fingerless Wool Gloves
I've always tried to stay away from wool because I always heard it was itchy; however, these gloves were stretchy and comfortable. They feel very lightweight and seem quite durable.

Pro Knot Cards
I am SO very excited about these cards. They are hinged together and contain details of many useful knots.

As you can see below, they fit perfectly in my wallet. These are excellent for EDC.

The Piddly Stik
To be such a simple device, this thing is AWESOME. Don't let it small size and basic design fool ya. In a pinch this emergency tool has more than it's fair share of bark, it's got bite!
This is the piddly stick in its carrying case (next to a credit card for size).

The lures, hook, and string do not come with the tool. However the lure carrying tubes and the main carrying tube all come included.

Fire Fuses
These Tinder Torches are in a waterproof pouch and burn for 3 or more minutes.

Apocabox Patch
It could be used to patch a torn garment. But mostly it just looks awesome!

Survival Slingshot
The survival slingshot contains one slingshot strap and two rubber bands. The packaging is small and lighweight.

You have to retrieve the stick yourself. In fact making the slingshot is a part of the skills challenge in this month's box.

The YoYo Automatic Fishing Reel
Survival Speed Hook
The survival speed hook is a fishing device that is so efficient that it's illegal in Minnesota! You bait the hook first to prevent injury. Then you set the trap.

When the bait is tripped the hook is jerked into the fish, making it a seriously deadly trap.
I hope you enjoyed reading about my apocabox adventure. If you want to see what it's all about see
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