Saturday, April 11, 2015

Container Gardening Together - Week 6

Here's what I ended up planting so far:

4 blue lake bean plants
4 pinto beans
4 kidney beans
4 lima bins
8 linclon green peas
20 snow peas
3 rutgers tomato
2 roma tomato
2 tomato (other)
10 cucumbers (marketmore, straight 8, ashley)
2 jalapeno
2 cayenne
4 beets
4 black eyed peas
2 bell pepper
4 cabbages
1 strawberry patch
1 grapevine
1 zucchini
2 yellow squash
6 rows spinach
6 rows collards
6 rows lettuce
14 celery
8 yellow onion
8 radish
garlic chives

I haven't started my sunflowers or my potatoes.  This list is a bit different from the one I started with, I know, but I had to edit it some. 

I planted my lilies directly in the ground.  I bought them from lowes.  The were beautiful.  I say were because they are dead as a doornail now.  Frost got them.  

This is an assortment of various bean and pea plants in the "self- watering" buckets.  If you haven't gotten a chance to check out my tutorial yet it's super fast and super cheap.  It' something you can do with the kids and it's worked great for me so far this season! 

I believe I ended up planting 

 This has been a big experiment!  I planted 12 Beets.  It looks like 4 made it.  I might try some more later in the season.  I've had my hands pretty full lately, though and honestly I HATE beets.  So if I can grow 4 I feel good about it.  So I'll probably not re-plant. 

My Black Eyed Peas are Doing well.  One, for whatever reason is doing better than the other three.  But they are coming along well.  

Look at the wee little cabbages popping up!  

You really can't see anything special at all about the celery.  I almost didn't bother including it.  Except to say that I'm not sure it's even going to come up at all. 

This is my lovely Collard Greens.  Six Lovely rows.  I decided to do them in under bed storage containers.  

This was a Zucchini.  The one in the middle was killed by frost.  You can see his brother on the right there is still kicking along

My lovely goji plant is coming along just fine.

I haven't decided quite where to put my grapevine, so it's kind of in a temporary home right now. 

This is my new herb planter I picked up on amazon.  It can sit down or hang and it's just lovely.  I planted 9 things in it.  

This is my Lettuce Plants.  Coming right on along.  Now if I can only keep the rabbits out of it.  

 Cucumber, marketmore.  

This is parsley that I planted about 2 years ago and it has just lasted and lasted.  I planted it directly in the ground and it has just been the best.  One of the best herbs you can grow. 

My lovely little radishes.  These are so easy to grow. 

rutgers tomato

This is a sage patch that I planted at the same time I planted the Parley.  It has been very hearty as well. 

Spinach.  Not coming up well yet. 

My tiny strawberry patch. 

Spanish Onion.  I'm also not sure if it will come in. 

Yellow Squash.  Just blossoming. 

This is the Zucchini that survived the frost.hopefully it will bring a bounty!

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