Saturday, April 11, 2015

Container Gardening Together - Week 7

Here's what I ended up planting so far:

4 blue lake bean plants
4 pinto beans
4 kidney beans
4 lima bins
8 linclon green peas
20 snow peas
3 rutgers tomato
2 roma tomato
2 tomato (other)
10 cucumbers (marketmore, straight 8, ashley)
2 jalapeno
2 cayenne
4 beets
4 black eyed peas
2 bell pepper
4 cabbages
1 strawberry patch
1 grapevine
1 zucchini
2 yellow squash
6 rows spinach
6 rows collards
6 rows lettuce
14 celery
8 yellow onion
8 radish
garlic chives

I haven't started my sunflowers or my potatoes.  This list is a bit different from the one I started with, I know, but I had to edit it some. 

I went ahead an bought some basil.  My basil Sucked. In fact I bought five herbs from he local farmer.  Oregano, sage, basil, thyme, and rosemary.

In the back are my bean plants.  Pinto, Lima, Blue Lake, and Kidney.  In the front We have the Peas. In the red Buckets are Lincoln Green And the Blue buckets are Snow Peas.

Just a continuation of the image above, except you can see a little bit of my radishes next to the red buckets.  

Peeking In front of my greens containers which we'll get to later - they're marvelous so far! you can see the grapevine, and my bell peppers followed by my strawberry patch!  On the very end is my peppers, but you can hardly see them. 

My black eyed peas are still coming along.  The one is still doing better than the others.  Still no explanation for that one!  

 My cabbages are a little bit bigger than last week, but still very tiny. 

My tremendous amount of cucumbers.  10 I think total, if I counted correctly!  Good think I love cucumber!

My eggplant, and then right beside it, a couple of tomato plants. 

Some more shots of my beans. Also my goji and raspberry plants.  The raspberry has little green berry thingies on it.  But no fruits yet. 

More of the goji and raspberry

These are my greens.  I am going to have to thin them very very soon.  Lettuce on the far left, then Collard Greens, then spinach.  Also that's my sweet dog Wasabi on the left there photobombing.  She's a full blooded pug and a hot mess.  And I love the bloddy ass of her. 

Here are some more shots of my herbs oregago (top), thyme (middle), sage (bottom)

 rosemary and oregano

This is a closer shot of the radishes.  

 Still nothing has come of the onion or celery.  I think it might be time to give up and replant. 

 Tomatoes and Eggplant

The tomatoes in the buckets are sooo much better now. 

 and that's about it.  I'll keep you updated!  :)

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