These are my beets, looking about atrocious. :) Wonder how they'll turn out.
Both Eggplant Plants
Black Eyed Peas. One is Still really Giant for some reason.
Blue Lake Beans.
Cayenne Pepper (Left) and Jalapeno Pepper (right)
My celery Is finally coming Up
My collards are filling back in after the thinning out.
My Cucumbers are looking good. I may need to stake them soon.
My eggplants are doing lovely. Not much change.
Fennel is coming up nicely.
My Goji still hasn't produced anything.

My grapevine has a blossom. I suppose I better figure out where I want to put it permanently.
Here you can see I have some corsican mint! It's nice! You can also so my oregano and rosemary in the top tier. Followed by my garlic chives in the next tier. and you can see my cilantro in the bottom left and my basil in the bottom right.
You can see the Corsican Mint, rosemary and Oregano from this shot as well. You can Also see The cilantro and the garlic Chives, but from this shot you can see my creeping thyme from the left.
In this final weeks shot of the herb tower you can see the top tier with the Corsican mint, oregano and rosemary, followed by he second tier of cilantro. and you can see the basil on the bottom left and the lovely sage on the bottom right.
Kidney Beans
Lemon Balm. Don't mind the recycling. Funny Story. My pug hates this stuff. I think finds it disturbing that it smells like fruits (lemon) and it looks like green.
This is butter crunch lettuce. I thinned it out last week and had the most delicious salad. Once I thinned it out some, it stated growing it quite well. I'm very pleased with it.
My Lima Beans Actually accumulated too much water and I had to re-pot them. I When I did the beans I put water in. That's a good idea if you live in a drought torn place like California. But if you don't then you need to leave nothing in the bottle and leave it as a reservoir in case of too much water. Which is what I did with the peas and tomatoes. Lesson Learned! :)
Lincoln Green Peas
Yellow Squash
Pinto Beans
My radishes are looking particularly poor right now. The neighborhood has a large dog that likes to go trampling through them! #seriouslyannoyed
My raspberries are nothing spectacular either
roma tomatoes
more tomatoes
Sage and Lavender
Snow Peas
Spinach - Still Underwhelming.
Strawberries. Not doing a thing!
This is a new addition this week! Muskmelon! But you might know it as Cantaloupe!
Tomatoes - again.
Thankfully, my family likes tomatoes.
I just wanted to take a second and show you guys how i do the totes. You can't just throw dirt in a tote and expect it to work. It will collect water and fill up and get gross in a hurry. I just drilled holes in the bottom of mine and then put landscaping fabric in the bottom so it will lose water, but not soil.
that way these yellow squash don't get water logged.
or these yellow squash.
or this zucchini squash!
Happy Prepping!
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