Saturday, April 18, 2015

Container Gardening Together - Week 8

My rosemavy and oregano.  Unfortunately, my spearmint never came up.  I can never grow mint from seed.  I suck at that I guess.  Most herbs really. I'll probably have to buy some.  

Cilantro, I guess is an Exception.  I grew this from seed. 

This is garlic Chives.  I grew this from seed as well. 

This is my creeping thyme.

Parsley, from seed.


Basil.  You can see I harvested some. 

rosemary, oregano, thyme, 

This is my yellow squash

You can barely see the berries on my goji and raspberry bushes.  They are so green 

My Kidney Beans

  Blue Lake Beans

Lima Beans

Pinto Beans

My radishes

they are very nearly ready to harvest!  I'll get several harvests of radish!

Lincoln Green Peas

Snow Peas



 Cayenne red Pepper

 Bell Peppers

Strawberry Patch


Marion Tomato

rutgers Tomato

 Marion Tomato

Black Eyed Peas

Straight 8 Cucumber

Straight 8 Cucumber

Marketmore Cucumber

Marketmore / Ashley Cucumber

Ashley / Straight 8 Cucumber

 Ashley Cucumber

Straight 8 Cucumber

The Spanish Onion (in the back) never came up and are just done for. I'm going to have to re-plant. The tomato in the front is doing well though. 

roma tomato

buttercrunch lettuce. i thinned it out last weekend.  it seemed to do it some real good. 

 Georgia collards.  I also thinned these.  this seemed to do them a great deal of good as well.  

spinach. I'm not sure why, but it doesn't seem to be doing so good.  Maybe it's not going to do as well until later in the season. I guess we'll see. 

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